Mac Compatible Web Cams

Frequently updated resource link with some commentary on the various offerings of web cams. Wikepedia article about UVC standards.  This is the standard that most if not all new web cams and many USB devices are adopting as it allows for pretty much true cross-platform compatibility. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Here a few samples of UVC compliant Web Cams that should work natively with Tiger and Leopard: Logitech 9600 ( Top of line) Live Cam [...]

2019-10-26T11:05:09-04:00December 4th, 2008|Quick Tips|

syslogd ramping CPU on Mac

Issue syslogd process will constantly run at 100% CPU. Resolution Remove the file /var/log/asl.db Check the file size it should be less than a MB. After removing the file it will recreate itself.

2019-10-26T11:06:19-04:00December 4th, 2008|Quick Tips|

Adobe CS3 InDesign JavaScript Error

If you get: "JavaScript Error! Error Number: 45 ErrorString: Object is Invalid Line 387" Then try this: Locate the PluginConfig.txt file found in the following folder: Windows XP: C:Documents and Settings<username>Application DataAdobeInDesignVersion 5.0. Windows Vista: C:Users<user>AppDataRoamingAdobeInDesign5.0 Mac OS: <user>/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 5.0 Delete the PluginConfig.txt file. Restart InDesign. Select Configure Plug-ins under the InDesign menu to open the Configure Plug-ins panel. Select the Adobe Plug-ins or All Plug-ins Set from the drop-down menu.

2019-10-26T11:00:54-04:00November 13th, 2008|Quick Tips|

Airport Troubleshooting

Airport WEP Hex Code Login to Airport Base Station via Airport Utility Base Station menu in menu bar > Equivalent Network Password System/Airport Update ruins Airport Connectivity MacFixIt article on rolling Airport kernel extensions back - frequently solves unsolvable Airport problems. Use Pacifist to extract kernel extensions from Combo Updater packages. SSID shows in bold and will not connect (Netgear Router) SSID shows in bold under Airport menu but any attempts to connect pop [...]

2019-10-26T10:30:12-04:00August 6th, 2008|Quick Tips|

Syncing Verizon Wireless Palm Devices

Verizon installs a Wireless Sync app on these devices and typically it is default set not to allow syncing with a computer. It's an app on the Palm Treo and Centros and under it's preferences either Advanced > Security or Security > Advanced. You need to check the box to allow desktop apps to sync.

2019-10-26T10:21:18-04:00August 5th, 2008|Quick Tips|

Time Machine stuck on preparing? Try these solutions

Time Machine stuck on Preparing? Try these solutions: Make sure that the drive is formatted properly (GUID for Intel Apple Partition Map for PPC's) The fix seems to be opening System Preferences' Energy Saver pane and un-checking "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep whenever possible." Sleeping the iMac and waking it seem to cause no problem. Only the energy saver spin-down seems to have caused it. Several weeks on the "Preparing" hang hasn't happened. Knock [...]

2019-10-26T10:29:24-04:00August 4th, 2008|Quick Tips|

iCal Invitations: Accept/Maybe/Decline Fix for Mac

If a client receives invitations in  Mail and they do not get the option to reply with their acceptance status (Accept/Maybe/Decline) make sure their personal Address Book entry (their "Me" card) has their correct email address(es). They will then be able to double-click the invitation's event in iCal set their acceptance status and click "Reply" to forward their status to the sender.

2019-10-26T10:26:45-04:00July 12th, 2008|Quick Tips|